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From Response to Resilience – Public Sector Automation

From Response to Resilience

Robotic process automation (RPA) and intelligent automation (IA) are solving challenges in the public sector such as slow citizen services, risk and compliance, and tight budgetary restrictions. In an effort to move toward a long-term solution, more government agencies are leveraging IA as they build solid foundations for future success.

Why the Public Sector Looks To Us

SS&C Blue Prism wants to help you give citizens the best possible services, and to do that, you need a reliable and robust automation solution. Utilize your resources with optimized processes, enabled by intelligent automation. The future of the public sector starts now and we're here to help you get there.

What Can the Public Sector Do With Automation?

Public sector restrictions
Automating the public sector
Overcome legacy systems with SS&C Blue Prism
Public Sector Restrictions – Public Sector AUtomation

Public sector restrictions

Services from public healthcare to education, policing and taxing measure their success by how effectively they can serve their citizens despite restricted budgets and growing workloads. You want to optimize citizen responses, allocate resources better, improve transparency and have fewer paperwork-heavy processes.

Real-World Results 

133 hrs

saved monthly on payroll

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11 months

to return on investment (ROI)

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390k hrs

a year of police time saved

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How Can I Drive Change for the Public Sector?

Benefits of Public Sector Automation

Outstanding citizen services

Government agencies need workplace efficiency and user-friendly experiences to meet citizen expectations. Automate consumer-friendly, streamlined delivery models without compromising interactions. Easily enable swift services and safeguarded public funds. 

Ensuring regulatory compliance

Address higher levels of governance and compliance requirements based on stricter regulations and data privacy. IA enables secure data sharing and interoperability between departments, enabling services to span departments through a single entry point.  

Optimizing security and fraud detection

Get robust security and innovative fraud detection to address rising fraud and cybersecurity threats. Extract citizen data and update government systems automatically to reduce errors caused by time-consuming tasks such as manual data entry.

New operating model

Public organizations can extract the maximum value from their current budgets with robust strategic planning. Operating models can guide technical and business stakeholders by planning a secure and reliable automation program.

Improving employee work

IA frees government employees from tedious tasks to focus on policy impact and service excellence. Staff can spend their time on more interesting and valuable activities such as improving citizen services and dealing with unique cases.

Cost savings

Automation can augment budget planning, monitor expenditures and optimize financial management. Plus, by reducing the amount of time-consuming manual tasks, IA enables better resource allocation to higher-value, citizen-serving initiatives.

Automation Use Cases in the Public Sector

Rewrite the citizen experience

Fast and accurate customer service in the public sector is ideal but hard to attain. An exceptionally good citizen experience can help local and federal agencies meet their goals, save money and improve employee satisfaction. With IA, public sector organizations can provide automated, one-on-one responses to inquiries, matching citizens to the benefits that best meet their needs. In concert with AI, machine learning (ML) and other innovative digital technologies, discover new ways to reduce manual work and provide more support to citizens at every level.

Education automation

Institutions are building on basic capabilities with IA to provide more personalized services for staff and student journeys, supporting closer collaboration, access to a wider range of relevant online learning resources and enabling simpler, single-student and staff sign-on to multiple systems.

Central and federal government automation

IA frees government employees from routine tasks to focus on policy impact and service excellence while protecting against security threats and financial discrepancies. This translates to reliable, swift services and an assurance that the government is safeguarding citizens’ interests and public funds.

Local government automation

IA can help local authorities reduce the cost of delivering services while improving access through user-friendly online portals, all with the capability of servicing legacy systems. This means they don’t have to build new interfaces, which can result in huge cost savings and build the foundation for a department-wide digital transformation.

Automated workforce management

Business process management (BPM) gives organizations a unified platform on which to deploy and monitor their digital and human workforce – ensuring collaboration and measurable results. BPM enables you to automate entire processes securely and scale your IA efforts end-to-end to achieve consistent and effective business objectives.

From the application to disbursing funds, it’s now an average of three to five days. This is good for the citizens and our users because, instead of coming here every month and applying for income support, they can now do it from home, when they themselves feel the need to apply.”

Annika Samuelsson

Head of digitalization and IT, Mölndal

Our motto at Norfolk Council is ‘get it done now’, and I generally believe now is the time to start futureproofing by investing in intelligent automation.”

Keith McDowell

IMT project manager, Norfolk Council

We see that there is a huge potential for automating tasks within the tax administration. Done more quickly, these are tasks that improve the citizen experience. And we are balancing using this kind of technology with the more long-term development of applications and integration between applications done by our IT team.”

Håkon Bjørn Ringdal

Head of RPA, NTA

RPA is a no-brainer for us. We’ve released time for officers and staff to do other tasks and we can focus them to be in the right place at the right time. We’ve saved money and we’re delivering a much better service to the public.”

Robert Brind

Superintendent, digital silver, Thames Valley Police