Join us for a Public Sector Masterclass
Over the past few years Public Sector organizations have felt the full force of major life events which have materially altered the way services are delivered and consumed. Events such as BREXIT and the COVID pandemic are amongst the biggest challenges the Public Sector has ever faced; the effects of which will take years to overcome and continue to be dealt with on a daily basis.
As a result, Public Sector organizations continue to face a perfect storm of challenges, including hybrid working, the pressure to modernize back-office operations, growing expectations and personalizing of citizen facing services. Throw in the lowest unemployment levels in 50 years and a burgeoning skills gap, how do you overcome these challenges to deliver the level of service acceptable to the public?
In a recent U.K. Government report, almost half (48%) of all businesses are recruiting for roles that require hard data skills, but under half (46%) have faced difficulties recruiting for these roles over the past two years. The need for a digital workforce is clear to deliver the level of service and experience in public sector.
Furthermore, Gartner predicts that by 2023, most governments without a total experience (TX) strategy will fail to successfully transform government services. TX offer governments a way to improve talent management strategies and develop stronger digital skill sets across their organizations, while improving service delivery to citizens. McKinsey research also predicts 8.6 million public sector employees across the EU and U.K. will lack at least one of six main digital skills by 2023.
Harnessing digital skills and digital opportunities plays a crucial part in achieving a smarter working culture that benefits employees, users and customers alike. Placing your Automation strategy at the heart of your transformation strategy is key to delivering a level of service never seen before.
Join our exclusive Public Sector event and hear first-hand how Public Sector organizations up and down the country are delivering a level of service required to tackle the storm head-on.