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Case Study

Telefonica Scales New Heights with Intelligent Automation

100,000 customer calls handled each day by digital workers.
Scale Intelligent automation delivers scalability, operational robustness and resilience.
30-50% Time staff spends on each call reduced by intelligent automation.

“Customer care is our obsession. Quality is our obse is our obsession. Human workers working hand in hand with digital workers is the way we’ve transformed our customer care areas. Our people feel their work is better with digital workers and the results are incredible.”

Javier Magdelena

Director of Automation & Process Simplification

Telefónica Spain Augment Workforce with Intelligent Automation & RPA in Telecom

Telefónica Spain has been on a bold journey to augment its workforce with intelligent automation. And there is no better time to deploy and expand a digital workforce. Like telecom organizations around the world, Telefonica has seen a sharp increase in demand for bandwidth on its networks and a high volume of inquiries to call centers over the past year due to COVID-19. 

Digital Bulletin spent time in conversation with Javier Magdalena Pinilla, Telefonica’s Director of Simplification and Robotization, to explore how the company has successfully tacked these and other challenges with a Blue Prism intelligent digital workforce.

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