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Next Generation

Unlock the potential of intelligent automation (IA) – with greater flexibility than ever before

Next Gen is a cloud-native platform that provides access to intelligent automation capabilities, delivered in a way that suits your business best.

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What Is Next Gen?

Next Gen is our new, cloud-native Intelligent Automation platform that enables us to deliver a breadth of capabilities, deployment options, commercial models, and go-to-market channels, from a single, unified platform.

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The Best Of Both Worlds

Enjoy the benefits of the cloud – while keeping the work where it needs to be

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Hybrid deployment

Keep the Work Where It Needs to Be

With hybrid deployment, you’ll have a self-hosted digital workforce that operates behind your firewall, on your own secure infrastructure – meaning no sensitive data leaves your network.

Next Gen Process Repo

Create Order Amongst the Chaos

The process repository enables you to save objects and processes in a single place and track changes for version control making it easier for you to collaborate across the enterprise. It also offers release management capabilities to provide a structured way of going from development to deployment.

Control Center Monitor

Manage Centrally

Control center provides you with a single place to monitor and manage your automations and digital workers.

Upgrade with ease

Upgrade with Ease

With Next Gen, you’ll have access to the latest capabilities instantly – no lengthy upgrade process required – and will receive updates at a faster rate than ever before. Digital workers can also be upgraded independently at a time that suits you – no need to upgrade (and test) everything at once.


Automate Boring, Repetitive Tasks

RPA is a core component of our intelligent automation portfolio and with Next Gen, you’ll be able to experience all its benefits in a more seamless fashion thanks to the new unified design experience.

See Next Gen in Action

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How Does Next Gen help?


Spin-up new instances and deploy them however you want. Reallocate digital workers across your estate using a centralized control center and simplify management across the enterprise.


Adapt quickly using a single platform consisting of modular services that you can utilize whenever you need. This will let every organization use our automation platform in the best way for them.


You’ll have a fully elastic digital workforce at your disposal – ready to expand or contract when the need arises.

Get in touch

Start your digital transformation journey by speaking with one of our RPA and intelligent automation experts. Please indicate your industry or area of interest so we can best assist you.