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Case Study

DTE Energizes its Workforce with Intelligent Automation

Scale Quickly had 35 processes automated in nine months
250K Hours in annualized savings across the business
Value Staff focused on adding business value increases employee satisfaction.
Now we can run processes more consistently. Previously, there were times when we wouldn’t be able to run processes because our employees didn’t have the time.
Ajay Gupta RPA Lead

Michigan Utility Deploys Digital Workforce to Manage Account Reconciliation 

Over the last two decades, emerging technologies and changing consumer sentiment toward power generation have made the utilities sector increasingly complex. DTE Energy is responsible for keeping the lights on for 2.2 million customers in Michigan. Like many utilities, they were under pressure to boost productivity while reducing operating costs. The challenges they faced were considerable. To meet them, they embraced intelligent automation.


Utility providers today operate in a fragmented and diversified marketplace. There’s no shortage of up-and-coming providers to choose from. To succeed in this environment, efficiency across all areas of operation is critical. Every month, DTE had to reconcile 300 bank accounts. It sounds straightforward, but it was a manual process that took several employees to complete. DTE knew there had to be a more efficient way.


Using bank statement reconciliation as a pilot, DTE deployed a Blue Prism intelligent digital workforce, and the results were immediate. DTE’s finance staff were freed from the repetitive and time-consuming task of bank statement reconciliation, which meant they could be reallocated to manage higher value tasks.

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