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Case Study

Blue Prism Digital Workers at Thomas Miller Provide Up-to-the-Minute Fleet Transfer Data

Accuracy Information now stored in the correct systems
3 weeks of staff time saved
0 backlog; fleet transfer data is transferred and recorded immediately
We’re making sure we get this right at the outset and that’s really driving the success of our automation program.
Greg Fleming CIO

Global Insurer Achieves Operational Efficiency with Intelligent Automation

Thomas Miller is a global insurance company, providing a broad range of insurance products in 100 countries. However, their products are typically more complex than those offered by most consumer-facing insurers. This means the number of transactions they process each year is much lower, but more complex, than most organizations of a similar size. So, when Thomas Miller looked to deploy intelligent automation to increase efficiency, the company knew it needed a strategic approach.


Unlike most consumer-facing insurers, Thomas Miller offers a suite of specialized insurance products that are considerably more complex. One such product was fleet insurance. To dispense fleet insurance, it’s sometimes necessary to transfer ships from one fleet to another. And while transferring a ship was relatively straightforward, transferring its legacy and transactional information was not. A ship might have thousands of individual transactions, and each one could take five to ten minutes to transfer. Multiplied across the number of ships to be transferred, fleet transfers required a large amount of manual time to complete.


Thomas Miller deployed a Blue Prism intelligent digital workforce to take over the process of fleet transfers. After deployment, work that would have taken its human workers three weeks was finished in a matter of days. This means that Thomas Miller now has its operational information stored in the correct systems, increasing accuracy and efficiency. And because Blue Prism digital workers are now managing the fleet transfer process, records are constantly being updated, removing the danger of information backlogs in the future.

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