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Case Study

MMC Onboard New Clients with 100% Accuracy Using Intelligent Automation

Rapid processing of new investor applications with automated onboarding
100% accuracy Boosting overall client experience
Employee satisfaction increased, able to focus on value adding client services
We used to need multiple people dealing with the applications to get through the volume we were sent each day. Once we had Blue Prism in place, one person might get through everything before the end of the day. This not only provided opportunities for more interesting tasks that helped to further enhance the overall investment experience but also improved the morale within the team."
Sarah Cremeans Developer, MMC

Based in New Zealand, MMC have provided outsourced investment administration services to New Zealand’s investment sector since 2005. Today, they administrate funds worth over NZD$100 billion. Servicing a diverse client portfolio, MMC facilitate the onboarding of new investors using various third-party platforms. Regardless of format, all applications required a manual review process involving printing, signing, and scanning physical documents. MMC needed a more efficient way to manage the onboarding process, which they found when they adopted intelligent automation.


MMC is a service-led business; they operate under the mantra of “earning trust daily.” Continuously looking for ways to bring further efficiencies into their operations, MMC were reviewing their process of managing investor applications. Investors and members could forward their applications in any format they chose, which included everything from various third-party digital platforms and CRM systems to handwritten forms. The number of applications received averaged around 100 a day, with peaks of 300. Each application generated between 6 – 10 pages, which could result in over 1,000 pages having to be manually printed and scanned every day. Unsurprisingly, the situation was causing serious bottlenecks, which were overcome by employees working late nights and weekends. Committed to maintaining their high levels of service, MMC needed a smarter and more efficient way to onboard the applications.


To further enhance their exceptional client service levels, MMC investigated the option of leveraging Blue Prism digital workers to act as a two-way transport layer between their clients’ in-house platforms and MMC’s own systems that provide streamlined digital auditing. MMC ran a proof of concept, and the new process quickly became a critical piece of their operational infrastructure, powered by intelligent automation.

Today, regardless of the format applications are received in, MMC have achieved a digital and streamlined onboarding process where Blue Prism’s technology has automated the interaction between various external and internal platforms. What’s more, having removed the need to manually print and scan applications, MMC have eliminated processing errors. Onboarding applications now runs at 100% accuracy. The Blue Prism digital workers have freed up the time of two full time employees, who can now focus on more value-adding tasks for clients. All of which has strengthened MMC’s commitment to delivering exceptional client service levels.

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